Viewport is messed up sorry it kind of works if you fullscreen with the embedded option. The cut off text tells you to meet with each of the 4 tribal leaders which just means colliding with all 4. Do that and then meet with Silly Syban. My b

Based on the following randomly generated prompt: "A tiny adventure game without sun where you are a lawyer navigating the legal system of the magical realm where you must balance the ecosystem to prevent its collapse."

Prompt was generated via DefALL by paweljarosz ( check it out its great!


  • Arrow keys to move
  • Space to jump
  • Shift to shoot gun

Submitted as part of the Game Idea Jam 2024 by paweljarosz. Color palatte Gray Weather Palette ( Tutorials from the legend Shaun Spalding helped me a lot too

Thanks for playing!


Game Idea Game Jam Game - 15 MB

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